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Sunday, May 20, 2012

design pothosop

Make Gunge-Vector Style Art

I love making vector-grunge based styles that can be used for design in Photoshop. So today, I'm going to show you how to make them in Gimp. We are going to attempt something I made in Photoshop:

First, you going to need a few things.
Urban Designs Brushes.
Snowboarder stock.
Mountain Stock.
Vector Foliage Brushes.
Splatter Brushes.
Grunge Brushes.
Hair PSD.
Scribble PSD.
Sun Rays.

To install the brushes, refer to my guide here. Remember, you can click on the images below to view them full size.

1) Open your mountains in Gimp. Duplicate the layer. Delete the original layer. We do this so the mountains are not on the background.

2) Get out the paths tool and render the mountains.

3) File > Open as Layers. Select the Sun Rays image you downloaded. I actually had to create this in Photoshop seeing as it is difficult to make in Gimp. Drag the Sun Rays layer to the background.

4) File > Open as Layers. Select the snowboarder. Render the snowboarder. Resize and place as desired.

6) Go to the layers dialog and lock every layer by clicking the chain symbol. Image > Scale Image. Type 800 in the width and 533 in the length. Click ok. Everything should be resized.

5) Open up the hair PSD as a separate document in Gimp. Pick the magic wand tool and select one of the designs. Get the gradient tool. Pick a bright color, such as bright red, for the foreground color. Make white the background color. Use the gradient tool on the selection. Select > Deselect. Get the lasso tool and make a selection around the design. Copy it and paste it into a new layer in your snowboarder image. Rotate and reposition it behind your snowboarder as desired. Continue doing this with other hair image. Experiment with layer order, size, rotation, colors, etc.

6) Open up the scribbles PSD and do the same.

7) Merge the scribbles and hair designs to one layer. Create a new layer and name it "under splatter." Drag this layer under neath the hair & scribbles layer. Get out the paint brush tool. Select white as your foreground color. Pick one of the splatter brushes and try to achieve something similar to mine.

8) Still using the paint brush, pick one of the fuzzy brushes. Add little white fuzzy dots within the colorful tail. Don't go overboard.

9) Create a new layer, name it "Grunge." Drag it down between the background and the mountain layer. Get out your grunge brushes. Make your foreground color black. Achieve something like mine. Experiment with opacities and sizes.

10) Create a new layer between the grunge layer and the mountains layer. Get out the urban designs brushes. Play around with them behind the mountain.

11) Create a new layer named "black splatter top." Leave the layer on top. Using a mixture of your urban designs brushes and your splatter brushes, achieve something like mine below. Experiment with sizes, placement, etc.

12) Create a new layer on top of the others. Name it "black splatter front." Again, use your urban designs brushes, splatter brushes, and vector foliage brushes to achieve something like mine.

Save it and you're done!!


kalitulang merupakan salah satu dusun yang ada di desa gondang kecamatan watumalang wonosobo.
kalitulang merupakan salah satu desa yang paling kelihatan tertata rapi jika dibanding dengan dusun-dusun yang ada di kecamatan watumalang. karna lingkungan atau tata letak gank dan rumah-rumah yang teratur lurus dan mudah di jangkau.
Sedangkan watumalang, watumalang merupakan kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten wonosobo jawa tengah.
watumalang terdiri dari beberapa desa yaitu :
dengan luas wilayah yang kurang lebih 68.22 km² itu watumalang merupakan kecamatan yang tak begitu luas dan besar bila dibandingkan dengan kecamatan-kecamatan yang lainnya di wonosobo.
salah satu dusun yang ada di desa gondang kecamatan watumalang tersebut yaitu dusun kalitulang, letaknya tepat berada ditengah-tengah kecamatan watumalang kabupaten wonosobo.
kabupaten wonosobo yaitu adalah sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Ibukotanya adalah Wonosobo. Kabupaten ini berbatasan denganKabupaten Temanggung dan Kabupaten Magelang di timur, Kabupaten Purworejo di selatan, Kabupaten Kebumen dan Kabupaten Banjarnegara di barat, serta Kabupaten Batang dan Kabupaten Kendal di utara.Kabupaten Wonosobo berdiri 24 Juli 1825 sebagai kabupaten di bawah Kesultanan Yogyakarta seusai pertempuran dalam Perang Diponegoro. Kyai Moh. Ngampah, yang membantu Diponegoro, diangkat sebagai bupati pertama dengan gelar Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (K.R.T.) Setjonegoro.

Kabupaten Wonosobo, adalah sebuah kabupaten di jawa tengah, wonosobo adalah kota tetangga dari kota magelang, banjarnegara, sebagai bupati pertama dengan gelar Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (K.R.T.) Seconegor.Sebagian besar wilayah Kabupaten Wonosobo adalah daerah pegunungan. Bagian timur (perbatasan dengan kabupaten temanggung) terdapat dua gunung berapi: gunung sindoro (3.136 meter) dan gunung sumbing (3.371 meter). Daerah utara merupakan bagian bagian dari dataran tinggi Dieng, dengan puncaknya gunung perahu(2.565 meter). Di sebelah selatan, terdapat waduk wadas lintang.Ibukota Kabupaten Wonosobo berada di tengah-tengah wilayah Kabupaten, yang merupakan daerah hulu kali serayu dilintasi jalan provinsi yang menghubungkan semarang - purwokerto.Arti Logo Kabupaten Wonosobo 
1. Garis-garis vertikal berwarna hitam artinya curah hujan yang turun mempunyai intensitas yang tinggi. 
2. 2 buah gunung menandakan bahwa Kota Wonosobo yang ASRi berada di bawah kaki Gunung Sindoro dan Gunung Sumbing. 
3. Garis bergelombang melintang horisontal berwarna kuning sebagai tanda bahwa di daerah Wonosobo banyak terdapat sumber mata air. 
4. Padi dan Kapas yang tergambar di tepi pledge menandalan bahwa Wonosobo adalah daerah subur. 
5. Tulisan SWATANTRA di pita putih mempunyai tekad menjadikan WOnosobo sebagai daerah yang mandiri.Kata Wonosobo berasal dari bahasa jawa: Wanasaba, yang secara hrfiah berarti: “tempat berkumpul di hutan”. Bahasa Jawa sendiri mengambilnya dari sangsekerta: vanasabhā yang artinya kurang lebih sama. Kedua kata ini juga dikenal sebagai dua buku dari mahabaratha: “Sabhaparwa” dan “Wanaparwa”.
apa lagi yang namanya kecamatan WATUMALANG. hemmmmmmmmmmm..... merupakan kecamatan yang sangat indah di Kabupaten wonosobo.
orang-orangnya juga cakep-cakep kaya aku... hehe...
 mengenai wonosobo lebih lanjut nanti dulu yah saya tak ngempani pitik dulu wong udah siang... hehe.... permisi,... maafin aku bila banyak salah... hehehe 

pothoshop brush

Pothoshop Brush

MEY 21, 2012

Photoshop Brushes From StephanieHere's Stephanie with her latest free Photoshop brush set, Urban Vector Brushes:

This latest set of Photoshop brushes is made up of various “urban” vector designs. Some of the items are very recognizable as urban, or something that you’d find in a city. Others are designs, like various circles and such, that tend to go along with urban-based designs.
If you check out my preview image, you’ll see what I mean! I’m sure you’ve seen these designs before.
All of these are very high resolution, with the average brush size being about 1600 pixels (some smaller ones are 1200 or so, the larger ones are 2100 or so).
Includes: barbed wire, buildings, chain link fence, various circles, street lamps, miscellaneous vector designs, razor wire, smoke, a smokestack, vector splatters, telephone poles, and more!

Download Urban Vector Brushes.

Random Brushes TipIn the upper right hand corner of your Photoshop window is the “Brushes” tab (if you can’t find it, hit F5 to open it). You can drag that tab outside of that small docking area if you’re going to be doing a lot of work with your brush settings. Just click and drag it outside of the docking area, and where you drop it, a Brushes window will be created.
You can, in fact, drag all of your different tabs around like that. If you want your layers and channels tabs in separate windows, you can drag and drop one of them outside of the other to separate them.
Don’t worry, you can put them back where they were, too. If you drag and drop a tab next to another one, you will merge them into the same window… including that small docking area up at the top where the “Brushes” tab started out.
This can make it much easier if you’re planning on working in a particular tab a good deal. It’s also a great way to get rid of some stuff when you’re not using it much!
(If you want to change the order of the tabs, drag them outside of the window temporarily and then drag them back into the window in the REVERSE order from how you’d like them to appear from left to right. In other words, the most recent tab that you dragged into any particular area will always appear on the right side.)

Want More Free Photoshop Brushes?We've collected the most recent of Stephanie's original brushes on a special Obsidian Dawn Photoshop Brushes Page, with big preview images to give you an idea of each set. For her high resolution brushes, you can find a special collection on our high res brush page. Also see our Free Photoshop brushes Page for other places to find brushes.

posted by Jennifer Apple | permalink | RSS feed | bookmark | comment
Photoshop Blog
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Photoshop Blog
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Exclusive onOne Software 20% Instant Discount CouponEnter our exclusive discount coupon code - PSSPPT06 - during the checkout process at onOne Softwarefor an instant 15% discount onany onOne product. This includesGenuine Fractals and their amazingPhotoshop Plug-In Suite.

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Genuine Fractals Pro is renowned by both photographers and printers for its finesse at increasing images to more than ten times their original size while maintaining the sharpness and detail you started with. Think of this as the industry standard for image resizing.

Mask Pro is used to remove the tough stuff — such as hair, smoke and glass — while retaining the fine detail. You choose what colors to keep, then paint away what you don’t need.

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PhotoFrame Pro lets you enhance your pictures with hundreds of such design effects, or simply drop your image into a pre-fab layout in Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture.

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Simply enter our exclusive discount coupon code - PSSPPT06 - during the checkout process at onOne Software for an instant 15% discount on any onOne product.
Photoshop Blog
Nik Software 15% Instant Discount - Exclusive 15% Coupon
Enter our exclusive discount coupon code - NIKPSS - during the checkout process atNik Software for an instant 15% discount on any Nik Software product. This exclusive discount coupon code can be applied to all the latest Nik Software Photoshop plugins, including Silver Efex ProColor Efex ProVivezaSharpener Pro, and Dfine.
Color Efex Pro
Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3.0 filters52 photographic filters with over 250 effects for professional quality images. Completely Original. Completely Indispensable.
Nik Software Color Efex Pro filters are the leading photographic filters for digital photography. The award-winning Color Efex Pro filters are widely used by many of today's professional photographers around the world to save time and get professional level results. Whether you choose the Complete Edition, Select Edition, or Standard Edition, you’ll get traditional and stylizing filters that offer virtually endless possibilities to enhance and transform images quickly and easily.

Patented U Point technology provides the ultimate control to selectively apply enhancements without the need for any complicated masks, layers or selections. Control color, light and tonality in your images and create unique enhancements with professional results. With 52 filters and over 250 effects found in Color Efex Pro, you can perform high quality retouching, color correction, and endless creative enhancements to your photographs. Download a free Trial version.

Viveza - The most powerful tool to selectively control color and light in photographic images without the need for complicated selections or layer masksThe most powerful tool to selectively control color and light in photographic images without the need for complicated selections or layer masks.
Two of the most important factors in creating great photography are color and light. Mastering the art of selectively correcting or enhancing each of these is now possible for every photographer without the need for complicated masks or selections, or expert-level knowledge of Photoshop. Integrating award-winning U Point technology, Viveza is the most powerful and precise tool available to control light and color in photographic images.

U Point powered Color Control Points, placed directly on colors or objects in an image (such as sky, skin, grass, etc.), reveal easy-to-use controls that photographers can use to quickly adjust brightness, contrast or color in a fraction of the time needed by other tools. With Viveza you’ll spend more time shooting photographs and save hours of image editing. Download a free Trial version.

Silver Efex Pro
Silver Efex Pro from Nik SoftwareComplete power and control to create professional quality black and white images in one convenient tool.

Silver Efex Pro from Nik Software is the most powerful tool for creating professional quality black and white images from your photographs. For the first time, all the advanced power and control required for professional results have been brought together in one convenient tool.

Featuring Nik Software’s patented U Point technology to selectively control the tonality and contrast of the image, Silver Efex Pro includes advanced imaging algorithms to protect against unwanted artifacts, a comprehensive collection of emulated black and white film types, a variable toning selector for adding traditional toning techniques, over 20 one-click preset styles, and a state-of-the-art grain reproduction engine that help produce the highest quality black and white images possible from your color images while providing more freedom to experiment. Download a free Trial version to use Silver Efex Pro.

Enter our exclusive discount coupon code - NIKPSS - during the checkout process at Nik Software for an instant 15% discount. This exclusive discount coupon code can be applied to all the latest Nik Software Photoshop plugins, including Silver Efex ProColor Efex Pro,VivezaSharpener Pro, and Dfine.
Photoshop Blog
Exclusive 15% Discount On All Topaz Plugins - Use Coupon Code PHOTOSHOPSUPPORT - Includes Bundles And Upgrades

Exclusive 15% Discount On All Topaz PluginsEnter our exclusive discount coupon codePHOTOSHOPSUPPORT during the checkout process at Topaz Labs for aninstant 15% discount on any Topaz product, including bundles and upgrades.
Topaz Labs Photoshop plug-ins are specifically designed to expand a photographer's creative toolbox by harnessing powerful image technology developments. Photographers everywhere are now taking advantage of the creative exposure effects, artistic simplification, unique edge manipulation, and top-of-the-line noise reduction offered in Topaz products. The Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle is a super powerful Photoshop plugins package that includes the following Topaz products:

Topaz Adjust
Deliver stunning and dynamic images with this uniquely powerful plug-in that features HDR-like abilities and enhances exposure, color and detail.
Exclusive 15% Discount On All Topaz PluginsTopaz Detail
A three-level detail adjustment plug-in that specializes in micro-contrast enhancements and sharpening with no artifacts.
Topaz ReMask
The fastest and most effective masking and extraction program with one-click mask refining.
Topaz DeNoise
Highest-quality noise reduction plug-in that removes the most noise and color noise while preserving the most image detail.
Topaz Simplify
Provides creative simplification, art effects, and line accentuation for easy one-of-a-kind art.
Topaz Clean
Take control of the detail depth of your images with extensive smoothing, texture control and edge enhancement tools.
Topaz DeJPEG
Drastically improves the quality of web images and other compressed photos.

Learn more about the Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle. Download a free trial version.
Photoshop Blog
Photoshop Masking Plugin Fluid Mask - Exclusive Instant Discount
Photoshop Masking Plugin Fluid Mask 3 - Price Drop And Exclusive $20 Instant Discount - Now Only $129The 4 1/2 out of 5 star review ofFluid Mask at MacWorld begins by saying that this "Photoshop plug-in takes the pain out of extracting backgrounds," and goes on to recommend the latest version, stating that "Fluid Mask is a very effective tool for separating objects from their backgrounds. It offers a variety of useful features for tackling almost any difficult image, from wispy hair to complex foliage. Online video tutorials and live training sessions help ease the learning curve."

Our friends at Vertus, the makers of Fluid Mask Photoshop Plugin, have set up a special exclusive discount for Go to our Fluid Mask page for a special, exclusive discount link.

Fluid Mask is designed for photographers, image editors, graphic designers and all those who take digital image editing seriously. In a streamlined interface and workflow, Fluid Mask instantly shows key edges in the image and provides comprehensive easy to use tools that work with difficult-to-see edges and tricky areas like trees & lattices. Fluid Mask will also preserve all-important edge information for a professional quality cut out. Go to our Fluid Mask page for more info.
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For less than a dollar a day, members have the opportunity to stay current and keep skills sharp, learn innovative and productive techniques, and gain confidence and marketability - all at their own pace.Premium subscriptions include instructors’ exercise files so that members can follow along with the exact examples onscreen. Customers learn at their own pace and may stop, rewind, and replay segments as often as necessary. View some free video clips (high resolution).
Photoshop Blog
Did You Know You Could Create An Entire Website In Photoshop?
SiteGrinder Photoshop Plugin - Create Websites Instantly

SiteGrinder Photoshop Plugin - Create Websites InstantlyThere often seems to be a strict division of labor within the world of web design and development. Creative professionals tend to stick to the Photoshop domain, while those well-versed in scripting are left to the task of implementing their work. Indeed, the two realms are quite different from each other, to which any of us even vaguely familiar with either can easily attest.

Essentially, Photoshop is a no-holds-barred design studio, offering the artist a seemingly endless array of creative options. On the other hand, HTML, CSS, Java and the like follow strict rules of engagement, requiring the developer to take any number of esoteric concerns into consideration in order to ensure that designs are properly displayed on the web.

Turn Photoshop Into A Complete Web Design ToolSiteGrinder seeks to bridge this gap between design and development. Basically,SiteGrinder turns Photoshop into an easy-to-use and fully functional web design tool. With SiteGrinder, designers will now have the freedom to totally let their creativity loose and then, without skipping a beat, transfer their designs to the web. Bringing esthetic concerns together with more practical considerations, SiteGrinder is an amazingly powerful tool that would make a fantastic addition to any web designer's bag of tricks. Mac OS X and Windows versions of the SiteGrinder unlockable demo are available now via download.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

cara mengatasi komputer yang rusak

Cara Sederhana Memperbaiki Komputer Rusak

16 05 2012

Seringkali saya di panggil untuk memperbaiki komputer di rumah-rumah maupun di kantor-kantor baik milik perorangan maupun instansi, dari pengalaman memperbaiki komputer itu saya menemukan banyak sekali keluhan kerusakan komputer yang hampir sama, antara lain karena terserang virus, komputer tidak bisa di hidupkan dan hanya mengeluarkan bunyi tertentu, CPU hidup tapi monitor tidak menampilkan gambar dan masih banyak lagi keluhan lainnnya dan menurut saya ada beberapa kerusakan ringan seperti itu bisa dicoba untuk memperbaiki sendiri terlebih dahulu sebelum memanggil seorang teknisi.

Disini Blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer hanya ingin membantu bagi pengunjung blog BIK Pemula ini yang masih awam dalam memperbaiki komputer sendiri, dan topik yang ingin saya sampaikan adalah hanya "komputer tidak bisa hidup dan mengeluarkan bunyi tertentu", kenapa saya ingin menyampaikan topik ini karena menurut saya, kerusakan hardware seperti ini masih bisa dicoba untuk diperbaiki sendiri terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil keputusan untuk memanggil seorang teknisi komputer. Tetapi perlu diingat bahwa tidak semua kerusakan dapat diperbaiki sendiri, namun perlu orang yang memang profesional di bidangnya. Namun untuk kerusakan ringan seperti komputer mengeluarkan bunyi tertentu sebaiknya dicoba dulu perbaiki sendiri, setelah itu baru apabila tidak bisa juga diperbaiki barulah memanggil seorang teknisi.

Berikut ini adalah tips dari Belajar Ilmu Komputer untuk Belajar memperbaiki sendiri komputer anda di rumah sebelum memanggil seorang teknisi khususnya kerusakan ringan hardware.

Bila komputer anda di rumah, di kantor atau di manapun memberikan tanda berupa bunyi tertentu dan tidak bisa hidup atau tidak bisa muncul di monitor, coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut mungkin bisa membantu anda sebelum memutuskan untuk memanggil seorang teknisi, namun untuk memperbaikinya kita perlu masuk (tangan saja yang masuk karena badan kita gak mungkin muat) ke dalam CPU (Central Proccessing Unit).

Langkah 1

Matikan Komputer/PC anda dan Cabut koneksi kabel listrik ke stop kontak.

Langkah 2

Buka case/casing CPU, dan lepaskan keping memory dari tempatnya. cara melepaskan memori, tarik ke samping tuas pengunci yang ada pada kedua ujung keping memory hingga keping memori agak sedikit terangkat.

Langkah 3

Cabut keping memori dari tempatnya dan keluarkan dari casing/case. (pastikan bahwa tuas pengunci memori benar-benar sudah terbuka).

Langkah 4

Bersihkan bagian kuningan yang terkoneksi ke motherboard dengan menggunakan penghapus pensil (jangan disentuh dengan tangan bagian kuningan).
Langkah 5

Pasang kembali keping memori yang sudah dibersihkan pada tempatnya semula pada motherboard dan jangan lupa menguci dengan tuas pengunci. Tuas pengunci akan terkunci dengan sendirinya jika anda memasang keping memori dengan benar (tidak terbalik). Lakukan pemasangan keping memori dengan menekan kedua ujung keping memori secara perlahan dan perhatikan tuas pengunci benar-benar sudah terkunci.

Langkah 6

Lakukan langkah 4 untuk semua kartu yang terkoneksi ke motherboarboard khususnya Kartu grafik/VGA Card (apa salahnya membersihkan semua komponen sekalian, tidak rugikan?)

Langkah 7

Bilah yakin semua kartu yang terpasang sudah dibersihkan dan terpasang pada tempatnya masing-masing maka sekarang saatnya untuk membuktikan apakah semua yang dilakukan tadi mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik (komputer hidup) atau tidak ?.

Langkah 8

Hubungkan kembali kabel power dari komputer ke stop kontak dan hidupkan komputer anda dan perhatikan perubahan yang terjadi.

Jika berhasil maka komputer anda akan hidup seperti semula, dan jika komputer tetap tidak bisa hidup juga barulah anda bisa mengambil keputusan untuk memanggil seorang teknisi.

Mencoba itu lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali, sederhana bukan ? selamat mencoba semoga tips dari belajar ilmu komputer ini bisa bermanfaat

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Desain Pamflet

Desain Pamlet 

pothoshop cs 4

                 Rabu, 16 Mei 2012
Desain pamflet banyak di pakai untuk promosi. Salah satunya untuk pamflet sekolah , seperti yang saya buat di bawah ini . anda bisa mendapatkanya dengan format psd.
untuk mendapatkanya klick label di bawah ini